Monday, June 27, 2011

FAC Tennis Network; Interview with Keith Kaderly

How better to get to know others in the FAC Network than an interview with our roving "FAC Tennis Social Reporter". Its our goal to have a weekly informal interview with a FAC tennis member, pro, employee, FAC management and others as a regular weekly installment in the Sunday FAC Tennis Newsletter. A big thanks to Keith Kaderly, our first interviewee!
1. Where did you grow up? Lamar Mo ... Its about 20 min north of Joplin small farming community of about 4,000
2. If not from NWA - what brought you here? I have some family in the area and use to spend the summers in the War Eagle area. Then went to college at the UofA ... graduated ... loved it ... stayed!
3. Spouse's name and children's names Natalie (wife) Autumn (7) Lauren (2)
4. Other than tennis what do you do for recreation/relaxation/hobbies: My wife says I have too many hobbies but I don't know about that J ... I love to fish for just about everything and I am an avid fly fisherman. I also enjoy just about every game hunting opportunity but duck hunting and duck dogs are currently at the top of my list. I also make knives and enjoy a fine cigar on occasion!
5. What do you like most about your current job as Manager of Marketing & Energy Services at Ozarks Electric Cooperative in Fayetteville? I have been privileged to be responsible for a wide variety of departments and tasks for my organization. This makes my job almost never repetitive. Everyday I am doing something different.
6. What is your current NRTP ranking? 3.0
7. How many years have you been playing tennis? Four years.
8. What prompted you to play tennis regularly? Playing regularly is the key to getting better also after we joined FAC I have had lot more opportunity to play!!
9. What is your favorite thing/enjoyment about playing tennis.
There are lots of things I really enjoy about the game ... The competition, strategy ect. If you were to narrow it down to just one element though I would have to say its all the great folks I get to meet and play with!
10. What is your most memorable accomplishment in tennis so far?Without a doubt it's winning the 3.0 Men's Doubles at the Spam Slam this year with Mr. Steve Sherman!!!
11. Do you have a particular pet peeve that tennis opponents do that bother you? I hate it when the other team (or my partner) dumps the balls on the court instead of handing them to the other team when you switch sides. Don't know why it just seams rude to me!!
12. Do you learn more from your wins or losses and why? Probably my wins, because you have executed a plan and allowed yourself to utilize your strengths. Then you can log that information away for use another day. Usually losses make me focus on what I did wrong instead of what I did right and it can sometimes make me more tentative for the next match. Tennis is 90% mental for me now and if I start loosing confidence I don't play well.
13. What is your favorite NWA restaurant and why? Bonefish Grill ... Bang Bang shrimp ... that's all I'm say'n!
14. If you could have dinner with a famous person - dead or alive - who would it be and why? Depends on who's buying dinner!
15. Who is going to win Wimbledon this year? I'm going to say Roger Federer and Serena Williams!